Rent a bicycle in Singapore?
Renting a bicycle has became easier and way much cheaper. With more and more bicycle sharing companies opening up in Singapore, such as Mobike, Ofo and Obike. How it works? Download the app, open an account that usually require a $50 deposit. Locate the nearest bicycle around, unlock it with the app and cycle away. The best part? You don't have to return to where you get the bike, lock it up at any public bicycle rack and you are done. How much? 50 cent for 30 minutes! WOW...
The bicycle sharing system is great for commuters to ride from home to bus/train and bus/train to office. Most brands come with single gear bicycle and is perfect for the very last mile distance. If you are planning to ride for 30mins or more, prepare for a good exercise and get your shirt wet.
There's a couple of bicycle rental shops in the city for city cycling, sightseeing and some organise bicycle tour too. Our neighbour The Bicycle Hut does quality bicycle rental and just 2 doors away we have Let's Go Bike Singapore who does bicycle guided tour.
Or if you are just like us who wants comfort, fun and saves tons of energy. Escooter is for you. What is Escooter? It is just like a kick scooter but with a brushless motor wheel on it. Squeeze the throttle and it moves to the speed of a bicycle. We also have seated escooters too, so you can ride a Escooter just like a bicycle. Rent a Escooter and lets go scoot!